Cedar Park / Leander - Benjamin Love
Licenza #: 577380 - TX / CEO, Realtor a Ben Love Group
Ogni ufficio Keller Williams® è di proprietà e gestione indipendente.
I miei dati
LINGUE English
CENTRO MERCATO Cedar Park / Leander

Su di me

As a person who leads with my faith, in 2017 I was ready to get out of the business and move full time into church ministry. Well, God had different plans. In prayer, I heard him say that I was in the ministry field I was gifted for and that I can glorify His kingdom and impact more people in Real Estate then I ever could in a building. And that is when I decided to treat Real Estate Differently. By allowing God to direct my steps, and taking the opportunity to pray & share with my clients, I have been able to witness first hand how much God loves us. We are a servant first ministry and display this by the values we walk out. the acronym is SERVANT. SELFLESS, Clients needs before ours every time. EDUCATION forward. Constantly learning to better serve our clients and understand the market conditions so they can make a wise decision. RELIABLE, Simply be there and do what we say. VISION, We take their vision and dreams and help guide them to achieve what it is they want. ADVENTURE, we believe that this should be a time of joy and excitement and we go out of way to make that possible. NUTURE, We strive to nuture every relationship and build lifelong friendships. TRUTH/TRUST, We promise to speak the truth and earn your trust! We have been blessed beyond our dreams and so we look to bless others as well. There are a few non profit and other fields that are close to our heart and we serve whenever possible. Also the youth of today hold a special place in our heart, should you know of anyone who needs helps or looking for guidance just shoot us an email @ [email protected] Thank you and God Bless.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Benjamin Love
Numero di licenza: 577380
Ben Love Group

Sei interessato? Parliamone!
Cedar Park / Leander
900 Quest Parkway 78613

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